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English Manual

1 Introduction

Use the EduApp to animate your students and collect feedback or answers during your lectures!

The most important points relating to the EduApp service may be found in the EduApp portal. You may ask questions there or report problems to EduApp support personnel. If you still have questions or would like individual help please send an email to eduapp@ethz.ch.

This manual describes the EduApp functions and tells you how to use them in teaching. We wish you much success with the EduApp!

How to start

The EduApp basically consists of a web application for lecturers and smester spokespersons and a progressive web app for students. In the web app for lecturers you can create clicker questions and set up course channels. You can also use the web app to present clicker questions, send announcements to students, gather feedback or answer students’ questions.

If you do not wish to set up EduApp activities yourself you may delegate other ETH members to do this. Under their own names, they can create clicker questions and set up course channels for all courses for which you have teacher’s rights. Note: Delegation in eDoz is not automatically transferred to the EduApp. You must set up delegation for the EduApp in the EduApp itself.

Log in to the web app using your nethz account, and select your role (lecturer or delegate) to access the web app for lecturers. In the menu on the left you will see the three main functions which you may use as a lecturer: Clicker, Course Channel and Delegation.

Clicker questions

First consider the following points:

  • What student activities would you like to promote with your clicker questions?
  • In what form do you want to deploy clicker questions in the classroom?
  • Inform your students that you will use the EduApp in your lecture so that they have already downloaded the app to their smartphone before the lecture.
  • If a lecture takes place at the same time in different rooms (via video transmission), the EduApp activities are automatically merged. For example, you can add the clicker questions to one of the rooms and they are automatically linked to the other rooms. Now you can begin to create good questions.
  • Think of questions which aid cognitive activities during the lecture and will stimulate exchange regarding problems and solutions. Possible question types are single choice, multiple choice and text answers.
  • Create clicker questions in the EduApp web app. You may add images and formulas to both the question and the answer options.
  • You may copy clicker questions to transfer them to other courses or share them with other lecturers.
  • Test your clicker questions.

Practise presenting, starting up and closing the clicker questions.

  • Practice presenting clicker questions.
  • Before the lecture starts, make sure the clicker questions you want to present, are not in preview-mode. By going into normal mode, the results of the preliminary preview session will be automatically resetting and you can start the question in normal mode (visible for students).
  • Give your students time to answer the questions. Note: the class can get loud and boisterous.
  • Discuss the results and explain why the different answer options are correct or wrong.

Course channel

Course channels are used for communication between students and lecturers. You can also use them to answer frequently asked questions: if a question crops up often or is “liked” by many students you can answer it immediately for all. Your answer will be shown next to the question.

If a lecture course involves several different exercises, separate course channels can be set up for each of them. It is also possible to create different channels for different topics.

During the lecture the course channel view is automatically refreshed. This way you can also answer questions from students who do not dare to speak or who follow the lessons live but online.

Semester feedback

Semester feedback stimulates reflection on the course on the part of both students and lecturers. The semester spokesperson initiates it via the EduApp feedback channel in roughly mid-semester, so that suggestions for improvement can be implemented in the same semester. LET will help you, and will coordinate and analyse feedback.

If you have no semester spokesperson, see the ETH website to find out how lecturers can still conduct semester feedback.


For help or guidance please contact eduapp@ethz.ch.





How to EduApp Copyright © by Marinka Valkering (LET). All Rights Reserved.

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