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English Manual

10 Course Channel (Forum)

Course channels work rather like Twitter channels. However, only students enrolled in the course unit, and the respective lecturers, have access. The list of entries is automatically updated so that you can answer questions from local and online students during the lecture. Students can also use the course channel outside of lecture hours. Course channels are used for announcements, feedback and pending questions; you can also use them to answer ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. Instead of answering each student individually (e.g. by email) an answer on the course channel is visible to all. If several exercises are associated with the lecture, a separate course channel can be set up for each exercise.

Important note regarding time delay due to technical setup in hybrid teaching

During a hybrid course lecturers follow the EduApp course channel via web browser on a separate laptop/tablet or via their mobile app. The content is constantly updated (EduApp Auto-Refresh function). Questions from the remote students are visible on the feedback laptop of the lecturer with a delay of about 10 seconds. This delay results from the delay of videostreaming and the auto-aefresh interval in the web browser (approx. 5 seconds) and is caused by the technical setting. Please take this delay into account when running your hybrid teaching scenarios so that students who follow the live stream are not disadvantaged.



How can I set up a course channel for my course?

  • Click on “Course channel” in the menu on the left. (Make sure that the current semester has also been selected on the left.)
  • Click on “Create new course channel”.
  • Assign the lecture and/or the lecture series to your course channel.
  • Give your channel a distinctive label (if the channel is used for exercise groups, include the location).
  • If you want students to be able to write anonymous messages, click on “Allow anonymous contributions”. Note: If you allow anonymous contributions this lowers the inhibition threshold – too far for some students. You may have to delete inappropriate comments.
  • Click “End” to set up the course channel.

How can my student employees set up course channels for exercise groups?

If you have employed students for your exercise groups, they can set up their own respective channels if you delegate them for the EduApp. First you need to delegate them; then they may set up a course channel for every exercise group that has its own room. Give the channel a label which relates to the exercise group, e.g. the room number or the name of the student employee. Unless they are “hidden”, students may view exercise groups in myStudies.


How to EduApp Copyright © by Marinka Valkering (LET). All Rights Reserved.

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