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33 Who We Are – An Identity Card for 100%

Livia Baumann

We are numerous, we are diverse, we are all citizens of the earth, citizens of a city. We live in the same place and yet our rights and our feeling of freedom are different. An identity card regardless of residence status and nationality could help to humanize everyday life.

We live a different life

Where we choose to live, we can stay. At least, as long as we feel happy there. We settle in quickly, meet new people, find a job. After work, we whip out our bank card to pay for a drink at our favourite pub. We dance, we feel free and full of possibilities. Yes, the city we live in is a place full of opportunities.
But who is this “we”? Who does it include?

The possibility to live the mentioned life could be true for a fraction of the world’s population, as the earth, littered with human-made crises such as persecution, conflicts, violence and human rights abuses unfortunately repeatedly demonstrates. The voices of the people who have been forced to leave their country of origin in the hope of a better future are both quiet and loud. Quiet, because they are denied rights and opportunities, loud, because it is estimated that 85 million people are affected. Globally, 4.3 million are stateless people, although the true number is probably much higher (UNHCR, 2021). According to a study from 2015, 76,000 people in Switzerland have no official documents. About 10’000 of these people live in the city of Zurich. However, exact figures are not known and are based on estimates by various experts (O’Sullivan, 2020 & Hürlimann, 2021). This 76,000 people in Switzerland and far more people as mentioned above have a different way of describing life in the city. Let’s listen to the story from another point of view. Maybe you’ll see a difference:

Where we live, we may have to leave again. Most likely. Even if we like it better here than where we came from. We have found a job, but actually we are not allowed to work, most of us work on the books. The working conditions are awful because our bosses know we have no other options. We do not receive financial support from the state, and insurances – that is a difficult topic. We live a life in hiding, full of fear of being controlled by the police. Then we’d have to leave. Yes, the city we live in now is a place full of fear and anonymity (SRF Impact, 2021).

Sanctuary cities in response of exclusionary national policies

To address these injustices, some cities have taken measures to offer protection to immigrants with irregular status. San Francisco was one of the first cities to become a Sanctuary City in the mid-1980s.Two ordinances prohibited the use of local funds and resources to cooperate with federal immigration control measures. Other similar measures have been implemented in Canada, England and continental Europe to counter exclusionary national policies. (Mascareñas & Eitel, 2019).

But how are Switzerland’s Sancuary Cities characterized? The Sans-Papiers Anlaufstelle Zürich (SPAZ), which offers counselling for Sans-Papiers and raises public awareness, is a strong advocate for migrants without regular residence status. In Switzerland, it is possible to apply for hardship support, but the conditions are strictly interpreted. For example, people must have a command of German at an A2 level, have lived in Switzerland continuously for at least ten years as an individual or five years as a family. They must also be able to confirm this in a written form and thus disclose personal data in rental and employment contracts and health insurance bills. For the Sans-Papiers, a negatie decision often means expulsion to their home country. However, this hardship request is often too great a risk for those concerned. But there is hope in some cities, such as Zurich, St. Gallen, Bern and Lausanne, where an identity card could be introduced for all city residents (Hürlimann, 2021).

Figure 1: One card for all citizens of the city of Zurich, Image: Marcel Bieri (Keystone)

A city card for 100% of Zurich

In Zurich, there will be a vote as early as May on the matter of the so-called Züri City Card. This is proof of identity and residence for the city of Zurich. At first this does not seem particularly thrilling. But with this card, everyday life for Sans-Papiers could change significantly. It gives Sans-Papiers access to constitutionally protected entitlements. For example, they can claim medical care, file a complaint, apply for a day-care place for their children and marry their sweetheart (Züri City Card, n.d.). These are aspects that 99% of city dwellers can take for granted. So why can’ t they be accessible to 100%?

In order for Sans-Papiers to benefit from this card, some conditions are required. The Züri City Card should be used regardless of the residence status. This is the only way to avoid discrimination. As incentive, the Züri City Card could be used to obtain discounts for example in restaurants, bars, museums or other cultural events. When introducing this card, it is important that the possibilities as well as the limitations are clearly stated (SRF Impact, 2021). The Züri City Card could also inspire other cities to take at least a small step towards the protection of Sans-Papiers.


Hürlimann, B. (2021). Ein Ausweis für die Unsichtbaren. Republik. https://www.republik.ch/2021/08/31/ein-ausweis-fuer-die-unsichtbaren

Mascareñas, B. G., & Eitel, K. (2019). Sanctuary Cities: a Global Perspective. CIDOB. https://www.cidob.org/en/articulos/anuario_internacional_cidob/2019/sanctuary_cities_a_global_perspective

O’Sullivan, D. (2020). Zufluchtsstädte – eine US-Bewegung erreicht die Schweiz. SWI swissinfo.ch. https://www.swissinfo.ch/ger/direktedemokratie/migration_zufluchtsstaedte—eine-us-bewegung-erreicht-die-schweiz/45465544

SRF Impact. (2021). Sans-Papiers in der Schweiz: Ein Leben in Anonymität und Angst. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTMrcc-6ys8

UNHCR. (2021). UNHCR – Refugee Statistics. https://www.unhcr.org/refugee-statistics/

Züri City Card. (n.d.). Anwendungsfälle. Züri City Card. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.zuericitycard.ch/anwendung





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