Role of exercise class
Your exercise class is an opportunity for students to get new learning experiences, actively interact with each other and participate in engaging learning activities under your guidance. This is a space where friendly and supporting learning environment could help students to apply the concepts from the lecture to specific problems, which is an important step for a successful preparation for the exam. Encourage your students for active participation.
The materials are designed to help TA to encourage students for active interaction and emotinal engagement. They contain:
- Activating intro questions (to engage students and monitor their progress after the lesson)
- Summarizing organizers of theoretical concepts
- Tipps and calculation examples for typical problems
- Multiple-choice questions
- Group activities
- Examples of complete lesson design
The materials are aligned with learning objectives of the class and can serve as a basis for the design of learning activities and assessment tasks during the exercise session.
Your first exercise class is an important moment to communicate clearly to the students – the role, structure and planned activities of your lessons.