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10 Separating Submission Files from Data

10.1 – Data Files

While designing an assignment often different data, including explanatory PDF files, simple data files, algorithms, images and more is used. As Moodle assignments from JuypterLabs are only connected to folders and not single Jupyter Notebook files, it is important to set up a certain directory structure while designing assignments.

It is a good practice to separate different assignments into different folders, as described in the previous chapters. It is also important to keep in mind to separate data files from the actual submission files.

Submitting folders only:

When students hand in an assignment, they have to choose a specific folder to submit it to. Therefore

  • all for the assignment irrelevant/not graded data should be omitted and
  • concerning data upload limits and infrastructure, student uploads should be kept as small as possible.

10.2 – Directory Structure

Designing a robust directory structure right from the beginning helps organize files within students JupyterLab. Not only the assignments but also the corresponding data and submission files should be separated into different folders.

The following image shows a possible directory structure to use within JupyterLab:

Important note: This structure is the same for working with normal assignments within Moodle or git integration with nbgitpuller.


Computational Competencies: Using JupyterHub with Moodle Copyright © by UTL ETH Zürich. All Rights Reserved.
