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18 Solution 2

# Six Sentence Argument Score Review Comments
1 The Nigerian forest of Cross River State is being deforested by Bilmar, one of our key suppliers for palm oil. 2 Function: This statement makes clear what the argument will be about.

Quality: It makes the the deforestation salient to the CEO saying that it concerns “our key supplier”. You might consider turning it around: our supplier is accused of deforestation in Nigeria. But the point is given.

2 Duolever made a commitment to buy 100% certified sustainable palm oil by 2015 and expends effort to achieve this goal 0 Function: Sentence #2 is not really a position because you are not recommending an action, you are stating what Duolever already did. I think this statement could be a reason for cutting ties to Bilmar – but you don’t recommend that explicitly.

Quality: –

3 As a founding member of RSPO, Duolever is working to make the palm oil production environmentally sustainable


1 Function: It is difficult to evaluate this reason, because it’s unclear which position it should support. But I accept that being a founding member of the RSPO could be a relevant reason for Duolever to take action, for example to uphold their commitment to sustainability.

Quality: I cannot evaluate the quality, because I don’t know what action you recommend.

4 Critics may question Bilmar’s willingness to change their behavior, due to their power by controlling 45% of the market


0 Function: This is a very nice point, but I don’t see it as a challenge to the reason in #3. Sentence 3 does not suggest that Duolever is pushing Bilmar to change its behavior.

Quality: –

5 Duolever, one of the largest palm oil buyers, can force Bilmar to produce according to the sustainability criteria 2 Function: This rebuttal is a direct counter point to # 4.

Quality: It convinces me that a large buyer can influence a large supplier. I probably would have written “could” instead of can though.

6 Duolever should intensify its efforts to make the palm oil production sustainable by using their power on the RSPO 0 Function: This conclusion says that Duolever should use its powers in the RSPO, but the argument did not explain to me how that would work. So, I think the conclusion presents new information, rather than summarizing.

Quality: –

Overall Score and Assessment: 5 Overall Comment: I think you make some good points, but the argument does not flow very well, primarily because you don’t state a clear position in #2. I think you are suggesting that Duolever should use its buying power to force Bilmar to comply, which is a good idea, but it does not become clear.

Additional information on the language: the examples are based on actual student 6SAs. For these students, English is a second language.
