Book Title: Testkurs Erik Jentges – nicht löschen: 6SA Training Manual
Subtitle: The Six Sentence Argument: An Introduction for Students
Book Description: The 6SA Training Manual complements our journal article "The Six Sentence Argument: Training Critical Thinking Skills Using Peer Review" (Management Teaching Review). The six sentence argument (6SA) is an exercise that helps you train your critical thinking skills. This document explains the concept of the exercise and teaches you how to conduct the exercise step by step. After completing this introduction, you can start participating in a 6SA exercise in class. Estimated workload for completion is 30 minutes for reading and 60 minutes for the assignments.
Book Information
Testkurs Erik Jentges - nicht löschen: 6SA Training Manual by Erik Jentges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.