This section is from an actual course reflection on the 6SA assignment on Unilever and Wilmar International. We provide it here as an illustration of our teaching approach.
14.1 – Reflection on the assignment
After only one feedback session, you gave yourself a total 14557 words of feedback (that corresponds to the average length of two scientific papers). 102 out of 115 students completed the feedback session.
14.1.1 – On the 6SAs
A screencast on the variety of positions that you wrote on the assignment. Many good 6SAs, on many different topics.
Here are a few illustrative examples. I did not select them as “best of class” examples, although they are all quite good. They may have some room for improvement (that critical reviewers may point out). I selected these, because they illustrate some of the positions that you as a class argued for. They can provide some insights how authors have constructed their arguments and what kind of reasoning they chose to make their point. Enjoy the read:
Threaten to stop business with Wilmar
#1 Wilmar is encroaching on parts of Cross River State forests in Nigeria despite consequences and all its promises for sustainability.
#2 I suggest we press Wilmar to mitigate its expansion in these areas using every possible mean even the suspension of purchases.
#3 Sustainability is one of our main targets and deforestation is a serious hazard with terrible consequences affecting the globe.
#4 Someone could say that it is a high-risk move being against Wilmar as it dominates in palm oil industry.
#5 The answer is that using our magnitude we can turn Wilmar to the right direction and this is the big deal for us.
#6 The change has to begin now and forcing Wilmar to reconcile with a sustainable profile is a major step in this direction.
Unilever should divest from palm-oil
#1 As Unilever we need to make a decision about our future relationship and role in the contentious palm oil industry.
#2 Let us invest into palm oil free products and become the first conglomerate entering a new palm oil free paradigm.
#3 By remaining dependent on palm oil, we remain dependent on a controversial and conflicted market.
#4 Palm oil free products are still in in the development stage, which makes the positive short-run outcome of an investment difficult.
#5 We need to make decisions that will not only have an impact tomorrow but also in 50-100 years.
#6 Unilever without palm oil is an Unilever that can become a sustainable and long-term successful Company.
Use Unilever influence to discourage Wilmar
#1 There is public disapproval about Unilever’s involvement in the deforestation in Nigeria by sourcing palm oil from Wilmar.
#2 Unilever should use its leverage position to enforce an implementation of the previously agreed policies with Wilmar.
#3 The deforestation in Nigeria is not in accordance with Unilever’s sustainabilty goals and overshadows Unilever’s efforts to set high standards.
#4 The public might still demand a more drastic approach and that Unilever stops sourcing palm oil from Wilmar altogether.
#5 Wilmar’s market share can not be ignored and based on past commitments a joint effort is still promising and advised.
#6 Unilever can continue as an industry role model by seeking dialogue with Wilmar and adhering to its high standards.
Wait and do nothing
#1 There are many reports questioning the sustainability of Wilmar, which is the common palm oil supplier for all the market share holders such as Unilever
#2 Wilmar’s actions will not make Unilever’s competitive advantage decline in long term, thus an aggressive reaction against Wilmar would not be beneficial
#3 There is a small volume of certified palm oil and Unilever holds the majority of them,leaving no space for others, while Wilmar’s alternative sustainable actions may take time to show up
# 4 As a basic palm oil provider, Wilmar’s deforestation actions seem that they may harm Unilever’s reputation on sustainability
#5 Currently Unilever’s strategic alliances and current sustainability progress are in favour of its reputation
#6 Preserve the collaboration with Wilmar and wait until Unilever could rely on its own certified sustainable palm oil. “Sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing to do”
[This last 6SA has a few weaknesses with regard to formal criteria, but I wanted to post it here as an example of a creative “outlier” in regard to all argumentations in class with its particular argument on waiting as a recommendation.]
14.1.2 – On the self-assessments
Overall, most people seemed to benefit from the self-assessment, after reading through the sections on peer review in the training manual. Some were very critical with themselves, and some just gave themselves high marks without specifying details on their feedback. Be careful not to simply give yourself high marks without justifying your self-assessment, otherwise you miss out on your learning experience. Also, for the next e-modules, brace yourself for some inconvenient insights on how your writing is perceived by your peers – they will be honest with you, which will give you a true opportunity to reflect and improve. And when you do peer assessments, always be constructive.
Below you find a collection from some of the suggestions that you had for general improvement. I selected these because they show your motivation to improve and your diligence on crafting convincing arguments. I have kept them anonymous and I hope you find value and inspiration in them for writing your next 6SA and for giving constructive feedback.
try to clearly follow the formal and quality criteria for each point.
The introduction needs to be adjusted. Finally the length of some sentences can be reduced.
For next time you should try to focus more on the specific functions of the single sentences. The content itself is mostly not bad but sometimes the connection to the function of one specific number is missing…
Focus better on the objective of each sentence
Write, write, write.
Try out some other perspectives and do not focus on one perspective too quickly.
The Position and Reason points could be improved. Right now they are sort of mixed up it’s not very clear why the advice should be followed.
I understand your position, but I do not think Unilever is “forced” to suspend the cooperation just because they have a high standard of products. It is not clear if Unilever is afraid of getting a bad reputation or if they are really interested in acting environmentally sustainable. You should better directly say you are afraid of getting a bad reputation if you mean it like this.
More effective sentences and use one argument that isn’t double-sided (in the form of “do this…. or that”).
It’s thougtfully written, well done. You may improve the connection between the reason and the position and try to include less, but more focussed information.
Next time I will try to find a criticism that applies to the supportive reason. Moreover, the introduction needs to be more precise such that it states what the argument is about.
Be clearer on the challenge, why might that be a problem?
Some suggestions for improvement would be to pay more attention to the challenge (#4) on what kind of criticism would someone make. Also, it would be helpful to use more appropriate syntax so that there would be no problems with the word limits.
In #4: Try to focus on challenging the reason from #3. If you have a clear reason it shouldn’t be such a difficulty. Overall, regarding it’s your first 6SA, I think you did a really good job and I got the intention that you’ve understood the principles of writing one.
The Conclusion should highlight the benefits/advantages of the #2 Position
Try to be very precise in formulating your sentences to better link the 6 sentences after each other. Every sentence has to refer back to the previous one
You are all starting to work with the 6SA method and you still learn about the formal criteria and the quality criteria. With the next e-modules, you will be able to focus more on the content and the quality of your argument. You had a very impressive start on the critical thinking exercise. Now, I am curious about your 6SAs and your recommendations on the strategy case.