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The aim of this text is to accompany the “Applets in Math courses” presentation in the D-Math Lunch meeting on teaching.

Applets can be used in many different components of a math course:

  1. during the lectures,
  2. in lecture notes, either as a link in a PDF document or as an integral component in interactive lecture notes (such as E-Skript),
  3. in the exercises,
  4. by the student as a CAS (Computer Algebra System) which is tailored for a specific task.

In this text, we will give examples of the use of applets in these contexts, and explain which support we can provide to lecturers who would like to integrate some of these ideas into their courses. In our experience, the use of applets in all of these course components is enthusiastically accepted by the students, who feel that it genuinely contributes to their understanding of the material.


Menny's teaching resources: Using Applets in Math courses Copyright © by MELETE. All Rights Reserved.
