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8 Next Steps

July 2018


In the fall semester 2018, we’re going to use some further Labster labs at D-MATL[1]. We are also looking into designing and implementing new labs at D-BIOL and in the BSc Human Medicine at D-HEST.

My vision is to provide a space for students, e.g. at the library, with Virtual Reality (VR) headsets where students could play the licenced labs whenever they wanted. This would be a very cool laboratory-library!

At Labster

The news are always exciting! We currently look forward to some kind of ‘Lab Builder’ that Labster could provide with which our staff could build labs on their own from scratch. VR is arriving in top gear (pun intended) and we’re already talking about gloves for the haptic experience.

  1. Note from November 2018:
    • D-MATL: Five labs (Safety Lab, Chemistry Safety, Titration, Equilibrium) in 327-0111-00L  Praktikum I.
    • D-BIOL: Two labs (Mitosis, Meiosis) in 551-0105-00L Grundlagen der Biologie IA.
    • D-BIOL: Three labs (Confocal Microscopy, Cancer Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry, Next Generation Sequencing) in 551-1003-00L Methoden der Biologischen Analytik.


PolyBooks: All around Labster (at ETHZ) Copyright © by Sarah Frédérickx. All Rights Reserved.
