Task E
Fill in with a word from S – W, in the correct form.
1 There’s a new marketing campaign which is (focus on) t_____________________ the older generation. Many producers have now realised the (importance) s_________________________ of that (unterbewertet) u___________________ market, and many of these ‘oldies’ are now (begehrt) s___________a____________ customers.
2 We’ll (festsetzten) s_________________ the meeting in Zürich for 10.00. In that way we won’t have to (start a trip) s________o________ so early.
3 Apart from the fact that the (Breite) w____________ of the XS snowboard is slightly greater than the XJ model, they are (beinahe) v_________________ identical, with the (Spannung) t_____________________ of the materials exactly the same.
4 They must reply (innert) w________________ a month, or it will be too late.
5 Obviously (en gros) w______________________ prices are going to be much less than r__________________ prices.
6 There’s a lot of (hart) t ___________________ competition out there, so we’ve really got to (deal with ) t__________________________ this quality issue as soon as possible, otherwise
we might lose a (beträchtlich) s_______________________ part of our market.
7 In order to improve your tennis style, maybe you should try this new (Methode) t______________.
8 This new business partner of ours; is he really (vertrauenswürdig) t____________________ ? Maybe we should have (auswählen) s______________________ someone else.
9 We’ll probably have to increase the workers’ (Gehalt) s____________________ and this must be (einkalkuliert) t___________i___________a _________ in next year’s budget.
10 The news of the crisis (s. ausbreiten) s_________________ from head office to all the (Tochtergesellschaft) s________________________ like wildfire.
11 (Angebot & Nachfrage) s____________and d_______________ is one of the basic principles of economics.
12 This customer (Umfrage) s_______________ is vital; please don’t (behandeln) t___________it as (less important) s_____________________ .