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13 Reading skills four: Recognising points of view

When you read, try to understand the writer’s point of view. which may favour one idea. person or group over another. For example. an article about robots might be quite different depending on whether it is written by an engineer who designs robots or by a worker who has lost a job to a robot. You cannot always know a writer’s background, but thinking critically about what is written can help you understand the writer’s point of view.

Ask these questions:

  • Does the writer provide supporting evidence: facts, statistics or references?
  • Does the writer ignore evidence that would support a different point of view?
  • Does the writer back general statements with evidence In the form of examples and explanations?

Task A

Read this excerpt from Reading 1. Think about the underlined numbered sections. What questions might you have about the writer or about what has been written? Discuss with a partner.

Man vs Robot ( 1)

It’s easy to tell when new technology has reached critical mass – discussions over its long-term effects start kicking into overdrive. What’s happening now with robots ( 2) and how they are going to affect the human job market.

Conventional thinking has always held (3) that automation and robots have historically been good things because when a machine takes over a task, the human who used to do it is forced(4) to do something smarter and better.

Task B

Review the four points from the excerpt and decide which are neutral and which indicate the writer’s point of view (POV).


13.1 – Points

13.2 – Neutral

13.3 – Writer’s POV

1Versus (vs.) in the title suggests the idea of contrast. Does the idea of a fight between robots/technology and people indicate the writer’s POV?
2 Serious articles present references to back up claims. Does a lack of evidence indicate the writer’s POV?
3. Does a general statement suggesting that everyone has always thought the same thing indicate the writer’s POV?
4. The phrase is forced has a negative meaning and could be replaced by a word like chooses. Does the writer’s use of is forced indicate the writer’s POV?

 Task C

Identify writer point of view in each sentence. Write your answers and then discuss them with a partner.


13.4 – Sentences

13.5 – Kind of points of view

1. Robots will eventually make people look like outdated technology, such as typewriters
2. Overall, technology is eliminating far more jobs than it is creating
3. Machines are taking over human tasks faster than humans can come up with new and better things to do.
4. We can’t even imagine the jobs we’ll create because of this increasing automation


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