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8 Reading two: Post reading skills

Task A

Who, what, when, where, why and how questions are often the basis of a news article. Fill in the information about the reading by answering these questions. Write your answers in complete sentences

8.1 – Questions

8.2 – Answers

1 Who is Lauren  Friese?
2. What does her company do?
3. When did she found( start) her company( at what age)?
4. Where does the company operate?
5. Why did she start TalentEgg?
6. How does she deal with her lack of experience?

Task B

Indicate whether these statements are true or false according to the text

8.3 – Statements

8.4 – True

8.5 – False

1. More than 80 per cent of businesses believed mentoring would increase
2. Parents now encourage their children to become entrepreneurs
3. Society is now more in favour of larger and older businesses.
4. TalentEgg was founded to help students find work while they study.
5. Working for a start-up can provide access to leadership
6. Lauren Friese first thought her age would be a disadvantage.
7. It’s almost impossible to find an entrepreneur who has wanted to quit
8. Friese’s parents and case studies were her role models
9. Friese believes that being an entrepreneur is easy; all it takes is a little bit of luck


Business communication 1 Copyright © by Mary Jo Kluser. All Rights Reserved.
