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30 General business vocabulary

General Business Vocabulary 1 (c. 220 words)

(Use a monolingual dictionary to look up how the words are used in a sentence!)

a great deal of idiom a lot of, a large amount of

above adj./prep. over, higher than OR referring to something that has already appeared in a text (= aforementioned) De: obengenannt

abroad adv. overseas (De: im Ausland, ins Ausland)

accommodate v. give somebody a place to stay OR to meet somebody halfway, to cooperate with somebody (De: jem. entgegenkommen)

accommodation, n. (no plural!) 1. Unterkunft 2. Entgegenkommen

accompany v. begleiten

accounts n. the financial records of a company

accurate adj. exact, precise, correct (opp. inaccurate); accuracy n.

accustomed to sth. (adj.) gewohnt (syn.: used to sth.)

actual adj. real; actually adv. (De: eigentlich)

adapt to make something suitable for use, often by modifying it; adaptation n.

addition n. to add one thing to another (De: addieren, dazutun); additional adj. additionally adv.

administration n. management e.g. Bachelor of Business Administration, OR School administration – De: Schulsekretariat

advance n./v. move forward; in advance ahead of schedule, beforehand

affairs n. business matters e.g. Being in Madrid, he was unable to manage affairs in Barcelona.

afford v. be able to pay for something OR tolerate something e.g.Our company can’t afford to have such incompetent employee.s (De: sich leisten)

analyse, v. analysieren (stress on the first syllable); analysis n, Analyse (stress on the second syllable)

anniversary n. The ‘birthday’ of a company e.g. The company celebrated its 50th anniversary.

annual adj. yearly e.g. annual report, annual return

appreciate v. 1) schätzen, 2) an Wert gewinnen; appreciation n. The Swiss franc has appreciated.

arise v. aufkommen, entstehen, s. ergeben e.g. a problem/question arises

assist v. helfen, assistance n, Hilfe

attach v. to add a file to an email (anhängen); attachment n.

attend v. be present at an event e.g. attend a meeting/a course/university/an even; attendance n.

attitude n. opinion, state of mind e.g. He has a negative attitude to team building; De: Einstellung

auction n. a sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder

available adj. erhältlich, verfügbar; availability n. Verfügbarkeit

aware adj. conscious, knowing about something e.g. The boss was aware of the problem.; awareness, brand awareness.

bank balance n. the amount of money in a bank account (De: Kontostand)

bankrupt adj. a condition where a company is unable to pay its creditors; bankruptcy n.

based v. founded e.g. This report is based on the latest research.

based v. located e.g. Our CFO is based in Zurich.

on behalf of sb. De: Im Namen von

benefit n. a positive aspect, advantage; benefit v. profit from

beverage n. (food & beverage) das Getränk

bid v. bieten; a bid n. Angebot, gebotener Preis, Offerte, Submission; seltener auch: Versuch (to make a bid for power)

black adj. to be in the black = to be in profit. (Opposite: to be in the red = to be in debt)

bother n. nuisance, irritation; idiom: he/she can’t be bothered to – is unwilling to do something

branch n. De: Filiale (also branch office)

brand awareness, die Markenbekanntheit

bring about v. cause to happen

blue-collar worker: describes people who do work needing strength or physical skill rather than office work

white-collar worker: blue-collar relating to people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort

bump into v. jemanden anrempeln; jemanden zufällig treffen



call off v. to cancel a previous engagement or appointment

capacity n. die Kapazität

cash flow n. a company’s degree of liquidity

challenge v. herausfordern; n. Herausforderung

circulate v. zirkulieren, kreisen, in Umlauf bringen; circulation n. the circulation of a newspaper

circumstance n. the background situation (De: Umstand)

claim v. to demand something OR to assert something despite opposition (De: behaupten); claim n. a demand for payment of damages (De: Schadenersatzforderung)

clock in/out v. De: Arbeitsbeginn/Arbeitsende stempeln

come up with n. produce (while brainstorming, for example) a new idea or concept

commence v. (formal) anfangen; commencement Anfang

community n. Gemeinschaft

compatible with (adj.) kompatibel, austauschbar

concept n. Konzept, Begriff, Auffassung

compensation n. Ausgleich, Abfindung, Besoldung; compensate v.

considerable adj. beträchtlich, wesentlich

consultant n. someone giving advice on a certain matter; consultancy n. a firm of consultants; consultation

consumer n. Konsument; v. consume

contemporary adj. zeitgenössisch

contrary adj. umgekehrt; on the contrary ganz im Gegenteil

contrast v. compare two things to see how different they are; contrast n.

contribute v. beitragen; contribution n. Beitrag; contributory adj. beitragend e.g. contributory factors

corporate adj. Geschäfts- e.g. corporate image, corporate identity

create v. (er)schaffen. Obama wanted to create jobs in the US. Job creation

currency n. Währung

current adj. happening at the moment, topical (De: aktuell) e.g. the current prices



deadline n. a date by which a task has to be completed

deliver v. 1) liefern 2) Leistung bringen: The new boss has got to deliver.

demand v. to request something, especially with authority (De: verlangen, fordern); demand n. a need for something e.g. supply and demand

demanding adj. difficult e.g. a demanding task

deny v. to resist an accusation or statement (De: abstreiten); denial n.

discretion n. 1) at someon’s discretion nach Belieben; e.g. non-members admitted at the club’s discretion; 2) Diskretion

dismiss v. to send away OR to fire somebody; dismissal n.

distribute v. verteilen; distribution n. Verteilung

domestic adj. 1) häuslich 2) inländisch e.g. GDP Gross Domestic Product, the domestic market, a domestic flight

duration n. Dauer ; e.g. Please wear your badge for the duration of the conference.


eager adj. very willing, enthusiastic

economic about the economy of a country; e.g. the current economic situation in the US

economical adj. not wasting resources (De: sparsam) Contrast with economics!

economics n. Study of economic trends; De: Fach VWL

economies of scale n. die Größenvorteile, Skalenerträge

emphasise v. to stress (De: betonen); emphasis n.

employ v. to give somebody a job; employer n.; employee n. e.g. An employee is employed by an employer.

enable v. ermöglichen, befähigen; ermächtigen to enable sb. to do sth.

enclose v. to include something with a letter, i.e. inside an envelope; enclosure n. Not to be confused with attach!

enquire v. to ask; n. enquiry De: Anfrage

enrol v. to join or register, e.g. to enrol in a course or at a school; enrolment n.

ensure v. to make sure; De: sicherstellen

environment n. Umwelt

error n. Fehler

essential adj. very important, crucial, vital

establish v. (Firma) gründen; we established a branch in Moscow

(to be) faced with vor einer Aufgabe/einer Herausforderung stehen

Equal opportunities the principle of treating all people the same, and not being influenced by a person’s sex, race, religion, etc

facilitate v. to assist a process, make it possible/easier

facility n. Einrichtung, e.g. St Moritz offers lots of winter sports facilities .

fail v. to be unsuccessful; failure n. De: Misserfolg; failing n. a negative personal quality e.g. It was one of the boss’s failings that he could not delegate.

familiarise sb./onself with v. vertraut machen mit

favour n. der Gefallen; to do sb. a favour

field n. a particular area of work (De: Branche, Tätigkeitsfeld)

final adj. 1) letzte(r), End-   2) endgültig e.g. The boss’s decision is final.

forecast v./n. predict, prediction

found v. in business terms: to start a company; founder n. a person who starts a company; foundation n. 1) an organisation, often with charitable aims (De: Stiftung) 2) die Grundlage

framework n. der Rahmen, die Rahmenbedingungen

furthermore + comma conj. ferner



get (sth.) down v. write down

get on with v. have a good relationship with [US: get along with] OR make progress with e.g. How are you getting on with that report?

gift n. present De: Geschenk

goal n. aim, target; goal-oriented adj.     zielorientiert

grade n. level of quality, e.g. of academic results in the US; top-grade coal, grade A eggs



hang up v. put down the phone after a call

highlight v. betonen

huge adj. vast, enormous, gigantic



immediate adj. De: unmittelbar e.g. your immediate senior, the immediate future

in the red/black idiom making a loss/profit

incident n. an unexpected occurrence, possibly of a negative nature (De: Vorfall)

income n. Einkommen > income tax

instance n. Fall, Beispiel; e.g. There have been many instances of auto firms getting bailed out.

intend v. wish to do something (De: beabsichtigen); intention n.; to do sth. (un)intentionally

intermediate adj. zwischen-, dazwischenligend; e.g. Africa has profited from intermediate           technology

invest in v. put money in a certain project; n. investment

investigate v. untersuchen; investigation n. Untersuchung e.g. The incident will be investigated.

involve v. einbeziehen, verwickeln; involvement n. e.g. They were involved in a fraud.


judge v. to examine the facts and make a decision on a certain topic (De: beurteilen);

judge n. somebody who hears and decides the outcome of court cases

just adj. fair; justice n.

justify v. rechtfertigen; justification n. Rechtfertigung


keen on adj. enthusiastic (De: “scharf” auf)

keep up v. continue e.g. Keep up the good work!

keep up with sb. v. perform at the same level as rivals (De: Schritt halten mit)


launch v. to present a new product to the public, launch n. such a presentation (De: Lancierung)

lecture v. vortragen; lecture n. Vorlesung

legal adj. relating to law e.g. legal action – a court case (De: Gerichtsfall) (opposite: illegal)

likely adj. probable (De = wahrscheinlich) (opp. unlikely)


maintain v. 1) aufrechterhalten; warten/in Stand halten 2) etw. behaupten; maintenance n. Beibehaltung, Aufrechterhaltung; Wartung(sarbeiten),

major adj. important (De: haupt-, bedeutend, sehr gross ) e.g. Novartis is a major player in pharmaceuticals

margin n. profit (De: Marge, Gewinnspanne; more general: Spielraum), also: profit margin

measure n. a step introduced to achieve a certain aim (De: Massnahme)

Maternity leave a period in which a woman is legally allowed to be absent from work in the weeks before and after she gives birth


narrow adj. the opposite of broad (De: eng)

network n. Netzwerk; networking (< to network) ein Netzwerk entwickeln; Vernetzung

nevertheless + comma conj. dennoch



objective n. Ziel

observe v. watch closely, scrutinise ; observation n. Beobachtung (auch: Bemerkung)

obvious(ly) adj. (adv.) offensichtlich

occur v. to happen; occurrence n. (De: Vorkommnis)

OHP abbrev. overhead projector

overseas adj./adv. übersee-, überseeisch, in Übersee e.g. our overseas offices



participate v. teilnehmen; participation n. Teilnahme

personal adj. relating to one’s person (De: persönlich)

personnel n. staff (stress on the last syllable)

placement n. Platzierung, Vermittlung, Praktikum e.g. work placement

poor adj. bad, negative e.g. poor performance

pose a question v. eine Frage aufwerfen

previously adv. earlier; previous adj. e.g. the previous campaign

principal adj. haupt- e.g. the principal reason; n. the principal De: Rektor, Direktor (of a college).

principle n. Prinzip, Grundsatz > in principle

prove v. to demonstrate or show the truth of a statement; proof n.; proveable adj. can be proved

publish v. veröffentlichen


quarrel n. argument, disagreement (also v. to quarrel with sb.)

quote v. to cite somebody (De: zitieren)

quote n. an offer to provide a service at a certain price; v. to quote a price/reference number

quotation n. Zitat


range n. Auswahl, Sortiment ; e.g. we have a range of new products

rank v. to distinguish on the basis of size or performance (De: klassifizieren); n. ranking (De: Rangliste)

receipt n. record of payment (De: Quittung)

recognition n. acknowledgement (De: Anerkennung); recognise v. (UK); recognize v. (US) De: anerkennen; (wieder)erkennen

refuse v. to show unwillingness to do something (De: sich weigern); refusal n. e.g. I received a refusal to my application.

register v. (sich) eintragen; registered post = eingeschrieben; registration n. Anmeldung

regulation n. Anordnung, Vorschrift

rely on v. to count on; reliable adj.

remarkable adj. beachtlich

renew v. to make new, bring up to date (De: erneuern); renewal n.; renewable adj. e.g. renewable energy is energy that can be replaced

require v. erfordern; to study in the USA a visa is required; requirement n. (De: Anforderung, Bedingung, Voraussetzung)

research v./n. forschen, Forschung

respond v. answer; response n.

retail v. to sell directly to consumers, mostly in small quantities; retail n. e.g. retail trade/sector (De: Detailhandel)

run out v. to no longer be in supply e.g. We’ve run out of paper so we can’t photocopy.



schedule n. Lehr-, Arbeits-, Fahrplan; v. festsetzen, terminieren e.g.We’ll schedule the meeting for 10.00.

scheme n. [’ski:m] Plan, System, Schema; schemer = Intrigant(in)

secondary adj. less important (De: zweitrangig) e.g. That project is secondary so it is not of the utmost importance.

security n. 1) Sicherheit, 2) Garantie

seek v. sought, sought De: suchen e.g. to seek recognition/a new challenge

sought-after = begehrt                                                

select v. auswählen; adj. erlesen, ausgesucht

set off v. start a trip e.g. He set off for work at 7.30am.

significance n. importance

significant adj. noticeable, important

similar adj. ähnlich

site n. as in website, building site; De: Stelle, Platz, Stätte

source v. etw. beziehen e.g. the metals are sourced abroad; finden e.g. to source new opportunities; n. Quelle, Ursprung, Bezugsquelle

spread v. ausbreiten, verteilen, sich ausbreiten; n. a spread Ausbreitung, Ausdehnung

subsidiary n. Tochtergesellschaft

substantial adj. beträchtlich

substitute v. ersetzen; n. Ersatz-,

subtract v. (maths) abziehen, subtrahieren

sufficient adj. genügend

summary n. Zusammenfassung

supplementary adj. zusätzlich

supply v. make available, provide / supply n., supplier n., supply and demand (De: Angebot und Nachfrage)

survey n. Umfrage (to make/conduct a survey)



tackle v. to deal with, e.g. tackle a problem

take into account v. beachten, berücksichtigen, einkalkulieren

take into consideration v. bedenken, berücksichtigen; in Erwägung ziehen

target v. to focus on a particular aim e.g. this advertising campaign targets young women; target n.

task n. Aufgabe

task-based adj. aufgabenorientiert

technique n. [tek’ni:k] Technik, Methode

tenant n. somebody who rents a property (De: Mieter)

tend to v. neigen zu

tension n. Spannung, Straffheit

tough adj. fierce, difficult   De: hart   e.g. tough competition

treat as v. behandeln als

trust v. to place your faith in someone/something; trust n. Vertrauen (also: to trust sth. to sb. OR to trust sb. with sth. = jem. etw. anvertrauen)

trustworthy adj. vertauenswürdig



undervalued adj. unterbewertet

uniform adj. einheitlich, gleich


valid adj. gültig; n. validity Gültigkeit

vary v. [’veri] to change

variety n. Abwechslung, Auswahl, Mannigfaltigkeit

vehicle n. Fahrzeug; Träger (in a figurative sense)

virtually adv. beinahe, nahezu e.g. these two products are virtually identical


wage n. money paid for work done per hour or day

wholesale n./adj./adv. the sale of commodities in quantity (usually for resale by a retailer) De: Grosshandel; en gros

width n. how wide something is (De: Breite)

withdraw v. to take money out of an account OR to take (oneself) back or away (De: Geld abheben; sich zurückziehen)

within prep. in a certain period of time (De: innert/innerhalb)


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