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22 Academic skills six : Citing sources and references

Isaac Newton (1643- 1727) wrote, “If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” He was acknowledging those who went before him. Citing and referencing the work and ideas of others is important in academic writing. When you write, use citations (in the text) and references (at the end of the text) to avoid plagiarism. There are a number of ways to cite and reference sources, and you may have to learn a particular one based on your area of study. but one from the American Psychological Association (APA)is widely used.

APA in-text citations

There are slightly different ways to cite text depending on whether you quote directly, with quotation marks, or you paraphrase, without quotation marks.

Author last name (date) writes” the quote • (p. 1). Note: if no page number is available, give the paragraph number, e.g., (para. x).

Munro (2013) writes. ” Many scientists criticized Seralini’ s evidence and methods and called for the record to be set straight· {para. 8)

Task A

Rewrite the following information using APA in-text citation style

1. I read a book by Jeff Mapes that was written In 2009 It’s called Pedaling Revolution: How Cyclers Are Changing American Cities. on page 8, he says, · Motorists are learning to share the streets with a very different kind of traveller, one who often perplexes and angers them.”

2 I read on a website, posted on November 28, 2013, by Margaret Munro In the National Post, that she  said, “But observers say the damage will be hard t undo.” It was in the third paragraph of the website.

APA references

References include details to help you find additional information in books, journals and websites. Basic information includes the writer or writers’ names, the date. titles of sections and books, who published it and where it was published. Here are some examples:


One author

Author’s last name. First Initial(s).(year). Title of book  In italics: And subtitles

(If there Is one) City, province or state or county (abbreviated ): publisher. Gehl, J. (2010). Cities for people. Washington, DC: Island Press.

For two authors, use an ampersand(&), no comma, ln both the references and   the   in-text citations (Gehl, J. & Munro, M. (2010): (Gehl & Munro, 2010)


Authors· last names. First initial(s). !year). Title or the article (not In Italics). Name of the Journal. Volume number[ln italics ]. pages.

Pucher, J . & Buehler, R. (2008). Making cycling irresistible: Lessons from the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. Transport Review, 28, 49 S- 528.


Author’s last name, first initial(s). [Organization responsible for the Web page If author Is unknown}. (year, Month day (use n.d. if not given, Title of the article (not in italics   Title of the website [in italics Retrieved from [website address)

Palmer, B. (201, 4 March 24). Researchers discredit yoga as medicine. Herold Tribune. Retrieved from health.heraldtrlbune.com/2014/03/24/ researchers-discredit -yoga-medicine/

Task B

Rewrite the following Information using APA referencing style.

1 A book by Oscar Wilde titled The Picture of Dorian Gray has published in 1891 In London by Ward Lock & Co.

2. A Web page article titled “What are superfoods’ ” has no author, but it was published on June 12, 2013, on the NHS Choices UK website. The  address is http:‘www.nns.UK/L1vewellsuperfoods/Pages/what-are-superfoods.aspx




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