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Writing Film Reviews: Night on Earth

A film review is a piece of writing that gives basic facts about a film, a summary, and what the reviewer thinks about the film. The basic facts include the names of the main characters (actors) and the people responsible for making the film, for example, director, writer, or cinematographer.

The following conventions are often used when writing a film review:

  • simple present tense used to describe and summarize the film
  • actor’s names enclosed in parentheses
  • star-rating system used to evaluate film.

The review also avoids revealing the ending or any information that might spoil the audience’s surprise.


1. Use the following worksheet to review the Rome episode of Night on Earth and compare your results with a colleague.



2. After yoou are finished, asnwer the questions for yourself.

3. Use the questions as a basis for your film analysis (perhaps as a conclusion).

4. Do the short movie survey on Kahoot.it.


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