Written Media
Written media take many forms.
Memos are
- Relatively brief
- Used for routine, day-to-day exchange of information within an organization
- IM, email, blogs and other electronic media have largely replaced paper memos, but they still have a purpose
- Are relatively brief
- Are used to convey a particular message
- Are used to perform an important public relations function in fostering good working relationships with customers, suppliers, and others
- Can be prepared as form letters to save time and money on routine communication
Reports and proposals are
- Usually longer than letters and memos
- Written in a variety of lengths (ranging from a few pages to several hundred)
- Usually fairly formal in tone
Written media have a number of advantages over oral media:
- Allow you to plan and control your message
- Reach geographically dispersed audiences
- Offer a permanent, verifiable record
- Minimize the distortion that can result from oral and some forms of electronic messages
- Can be used to avoid immediate interactions
- Can help you control the emotional aspects of an interchange by eliminating interpersonal communication
Written media also have a number of disadvantages compared to oral media:
- Offer limited opportunities for timely feedback
- Lack the rich nonverbal cues provided by oral media
- Can require more time and more resources to create and distribute
- Elaborate documents can require special skills in preparation and production