="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512">

7 360 is not 360

First, there are 360 panoramas and then there are 360 spherical[1] pictures. And then there are 360 videos! Finally, it makes a difference if you look at all these on a screen or if you put your VR goggles on. And by the way, the virtual worlds are 360, too!

Example of a 360° pic by Google.

[vrview img=”https://wp-prd.let.ethz.ch/WP0-CIPRF9728/wp-content/uploads/sites/175/2019/01/coral.jpg” stereo=”true”]

When you are on a mobile device, go to the cardboard view for 3D by clicking the cardboard icon (at the bottom left of your screen).

When it looks like this, put on your goggles.


I used the App GoogleStreetview to take the following picture. Unfortunately the download is bad quality.

[vrview img=”https://wp-prd.let.ethz.ch/WP0-CIPRF9728/wp-content/uploads/sites/175/2019/01/IMG_0970-streetview.jpg” stereo=”false”]


This is the same spot in Lucca but at another time of day and taken with real 360° gear by David Wortley.

[vrview img=”https://wp-prd.let.ethz.ch/WP0-CIPRF9728/wp-content/uploads/sites/175/2019/01/LuccaPOI06.jpg” stereo=”false”]


If you embed a 360° pic wrongly on eSkript –setting it falsely to stereo– it looks like this. I like the effect, though.

[vrview img=”https://wp-prd.let.ethz.ch/WP0-CIPRF9728/wp-content/uploads/sites/175/2019/01/IMG_0970-streetview.jpg” stereo=”true”]



I haven‘t checked these out yet but I will.

I got these links from the presenters of CIAKCristina Bralia and Chiara Lanzani.

  1. That's just the term that I came up with.


PolyBooks: iED 2017 in Lucca Copyright © by Sarah Frédérickx. All Rights Reserved.
