="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512">

3 Evidence of Success

In departments with an Educational Developer, evidence points towards the positive impact on teaching related issues.

3.1 – Increased General Satisfaction in Course Evaluations


Mittelwerte der Gesamtzufriedenheit bei drei aufeinander folgenden Evaluationen aus HS11, HS13 und HS14. Beim Mittelwert ist aus Vertraulichkeitsgründen lediglich der Dezimalwert angegeben. Bei den Lerneinheiten (N) handelt sich um vom D-PHYS angebotene Vorlesungen auf Bachelorstufe. Mehr als ein Drittel dieser Vorlesungen besteht aus Serviceveranstaltungen für andere Departemente. Die evaluierten Lerneinheiten (N) sind für jedes Jahr nahezu identisch. Im Vergleich zeigt sich:

Die Gesamtzufriedenheit hat sich ab 2012, trotz sinkender Rücklaufquote (Anzahl Fragebögen), kontinuierlich verbessert.

3.2 – More Computer Exams

In two years D-HEST tripled their number of computer exams. In summer 2015 exam questions with video clips will be used and exams on tablet-like computers are planned.
Development of computer exams @D-HEST

Further details about the development of computer exams @D-HEST

3.3 – More Innovedum projects

In general, departments with an Educational Developer have a high number of Innovedum projects documenting that these departments are engaged in teaching.


Note: Only 6 departments had an Educational Developer during the investigated period.

Higher Clicker Activity/More Use of EduApp

Departments with an Educational Developer generally have a more frequent use of Clicker/EduApp to activate students in (larger) class rooms.


Note: Only 6 departments had an Educational Developer during the investigated period.

3.4 – Extensive Question Bank Helps Students Learn

An Innovedum project made the creation of a physiology question bank possible: 900 questions distributed in 60 quizzes, covering 15 physiology topics. For the exam in summer 2013 the rough numbers look like this:

  • 150 students took quizzes
  • 5000 quizzes were solved
  • ~33 quizzes solved per student

Project report ‘Physiology Question Bank’ (academe)


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